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People of Yellowstone Country Project:
The People of Yellowstone Country Project is a unique opportunity to connect with community members living throughout the region. If you are interested in the details of the project, please contact so will prepare both general information and answer any additional questions. Though many activities threaten wildness throughout Yellowstone Country, this project's goal is to create discussion regarding the unparalleled assets found across our region, for example, we are engaged in preserving the wildlands and wildlife for future generations, etc. There is no other place in the lower 48 that has more wild rivers, mountains and valleys. This project is an opportunity to create a dialogue of hope, love and passion. The People of Yellowstone Country Project is a celebration of place, a place like no other. Over the course of this project, we will travel across Yellowstone Country with camera and tape recorder in hand to hear the stories of the people of Yellowstone Country. Facilitated by the student participants from the Youth Wilderness Leadership Program, this effort will further develop their skills as leaders in their communities. People of all ages and occupations will be interviewed, from a student in Pinedale, Wyoming, to the gas station owner in the Shields Valley. The collection of interviews will be published through various media sources that will allow members of the Yellowstone community to hear the stories of their fellow neighbors and thus inspire citizens of this region to begin a new conversation of hope and commitment for our future.

YCG Regional Road Tour:
The YCG Regional Road Tour is our traveling presentation that focuses on the wildness and spirit of Yellowstone Country. This program is an essential component to fostering a greater understanding and appreciation of the wildlands that encompass Yellowstone Country. The YCG Road Tour encourages community participation in hopes of creating stewards of the wild valleys, rivers, and mountains, along with their two-legged, four-legged, finned and winged community members. Traveling across the region, YCG?s Regional Road Tour deepens the awareness of our citizens and helps them to better understand the threats and assets encompassing Yellowstone Country.

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